I don't know what's taking so long. I don't understand why President Trump doesn't just direct the Fed to start buying TRUMP Meme Coin. Even though it's not currently legal for the Fed, the President can't simply pen an executive order?
The people of the United States have spoken. They elected President Trump and the TRUMP Coin is a show of their support. Since the Fed is an arm of the government, and even though they are supposed to operate independently, I see no reason why they shouldn't go out and buy up TRUMP Meme coin. It will be good for the American people and America as a whole.
[PS I don't think it's right to call it a coin because then it competes with the greenback and that would look bad for a President to compete with his own currency. Don't call it a coin. It's not a coin, ok? It's a collectors item, ok? Which is why the Fed should hold some.]
And for the ethics guys, I mean calm down, it's not like it directly benefits President Trump himself. It's a coin that many others have bought and it will benefit them and the marketplace as a whole. It will be good for America generally. It's a vote for America. It unifies the nation under The President and everybody would have to agree that's a good thing.
And if ethics is an issue, let's ponder what is ethics anyway. Laws, ethics, people decide. They are manmade. It's based on vote. The people decide laws and so ethics. They voted for Trump and that's the law now. Ethics should go hand-in-hand with law and the President has proven, with a sweeping victory that he represents the people and so ethics is as judged by his votes. So, again, ethics guys, just calm down. Seriously, enough already.
Another stock the Fed should consider is of course DJT which owns Truth Social. And for those cry-babies, even if the Fed buys a small stake in DJT, it's not President Trump in charge of it at all, it's his family. It's completely separate. No ethics issues at all there because he's not personally running it!? He's running the country. He's only posting there because otherwise if he posts on X or Facebook, those guys get ad dollars and that wouldn't be fair that somebody else gets the benefit from all of the President's hard work, would it?
I thought also if the Fed was hungry they should just consider taking a majority stake in World Liberty Financial (WLF) (I'm linking X because my website told me the site itself was suspicious so I backed off. I don't want to take my chances just for writing a silly little article).
And for the ethics folks, calm down, Trump made that WLF investment way BEFORE his term in office. It's not like it's a brand new thing. It's a position he's held for a long time, at least a few months before he took office. He was also already a crypto lover (at least a few weeks before that) so one thing has nothing to do with the other.
The Fed doesn't have to invest directly in WLF, they can buy tokens which are advertised openly to the public, which is totally fine now since the President who owns WLF, controls the SEC, so the SEC can just make it that it's all ok. Remember laws are made by people and if people get voted in, that means the people having spoken that the President can change all the laws.
It’s totally ok. And it's safe and good for all Americans because they voted for it.
I do have other ideas but it may be more unprecedented. I thought that President Trump's family might have some under-performing hotels or golf courses that they were trying to get rid of.
I see no reason why the Fed can't simply put in an innocent little bid on some of those assets like that. The Fed is so not diversified, they are lugging around all those bonds they bought from (themselves) the US government. I think it's an important and wise consideration to diversify into some uncorrelated returns, right? Diversification can protect the American people.
Frankly I had an even better idea. Skip the middle man. The people voted for the President which means they approve. Just have the Fed directly pump into Trump's or indirectly, into his family's bank account a trillion dollars or so. It’s not like it’s taking from anybody else. It's made up digits anyway.
And I'm tired of hearing about ethics this and democrats that, just sign an executive order disallowing democrats and ethics watchdog types. So simple. What's all the fuss. Why is this so complicated.
The power of the pen, mightier than the sword.
I know in his visits with global dictators, they're like telling Trump, 'why so soft-footing it. Go just take something. What's up? You're such a lamo if you can't just take something?'
And anybody who complains about just pumping cash directly from the Fed to Trump's account, you don’t have to do it directly to Trump. You can direct it to his family or business account, don't worry, plus, it's only fiat currency. There's loads of it and it's not really worth anything anyway. In fact the Fed doesn't need to transfer paper money, all that lugging around with armored cars, nope. They can just submit a, poof, made up amount of digits they created out of thin air into his account. It doesn't really affect the tax payers and anyway the people voted for him. I don't see any ethics issues there unless you're a democrat, but Trump's going to sign into law that it's illegal to be a democrat anyway. So there's really no worries.
I think all the ethics committee stuff and watch dogs just misunderstand that a President, if he wants to negotiate with world leaders, needs assets under him. It makes sense for the American people just to transfer him assets, like they've started doing with TRUMP Coin (I mean collectors piece). This way he’ll be able to negotiate better... for the people!
I also think the Fed could just buy up Trump watches and merchandise for sale and hand it out to needy people. It will be good for the country. I don't know why everybody's suddenly taking these presidential moves the wrong way. You have to see it from the other perspective. For the good of the nation.
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